Our group investigates the ecological impacts of climate variability and climate change on ecosystems in the US desert southwest, tallgrass prairie in Kansas, and savanna grasslands in South Africa.

Another paper from our Extreme Drought in Grasslands Experiment - effects on root associated fungi

This paper, published in Journal of Ecology, was led by Devon Lagueux when she was an undergraduate at the University of New Mexico! The Abstract says:

The latest from our 20+ year long resource heterogeneity restoration experiment at Konza Prairie

Soil heterogeneity increases plant diversity after 20 years of manipulation during grassland restoration - In Ecological Applications led by the incomparable Sara Baer. Here's the abstract:

Rapid recovery of ecosystem function following extreme drought in a South African savanna grassland

Check out our recent paper in Ecology led by Kevin Wilcox on recovery of ANPP following extreme drought under different fire frequencies in Kruger Park, South Africa. Here's the abstract:

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