Our group investigates the ecological impacts of climate variability and climate change on ecosystems in the US desert southwest, tallgrass prairie in Kansas, and savanna grasslands in South Africa.

New NSF Award will create workflows for analysis of temporal community dynamics

We are thrilled to receive a new collaborative award from the Advances in Biological Informatics Program at NSF. Project PIs are Corinna Gries (University of Wisconsin), Matt Jones (NCEAS) and Scott Collins. This three year award from NSF will allow us to develop workflow tools and metrics to be used in the analysis of temporal dynamics of ecological communities. The "public abstract" for this award (also posted on the NSF website) states:

Laura Ladwig to receive NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant!

Three cheers for Laura! Her DDIG, "DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Semiarid Soil Microbial Response to Global
Change" will be recommended for funding by the Population and Community Ecology Program at NSF. The non-technical abstract for her award says:

EDGE construction is moving along at SEV

Construction of our EDGE rainout shelters at SEV was completed this fall. Manufacturing the roof panels is underway and all sensors have been ordered! Shelters have also been constructed at the other study sites in Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. Our goal is to be ready to start the rainfall manipulation treatments in April 2013.

Blue grama EDGE site at SEV

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