
General Announcements

Sevilleta Field Station Receives New NSF Award!

The Sevilleta Field Station just received $95,290 (Don Natvig PI, Scott Collins Co-PI) from the Field Stations and Marine Labs Program at NSF to enhance teaching and reseach capabilities at the UNM Field Station. Funds will be used to purchase lab equipment needed for teaching a field based course on ecological genomics at the Sevilleta and for the purchase of a new LiCOR-6400!

Sevilleta LTER 2009 Site Visit

The Sevilleta LTER Program experienced its regularly scheduled NSF sponsored two and a half day root canal on 12-14 August 2009.

The 2009 ESA Fire at the Sevilleta

A wildfire burned across the western half of McKenzie Flats at the Sevilleta during the 2009 ESA Annual Meeting held in Albuquerque.

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